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When comparing Flight centres app to other businesses with similar apps it is easy to see that Flight Centre needs to improve their app as it has the lowest star rating 

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If you look at the 3 images below you can see that Flight Centres app is the least used and liked out of its competitors this shows that Flight Centre needs both a new solution to be more competitive and meet the needs of the COVID anxious traveler 

- The BMC and SWOT both showed people turned to Flight Centre for advice

– This is probably happening instore as the app rating is low

   (1) They are not meeting customer needs for the App

   (2) if they are going to provide COVID-19 trusted advice on the App the whole experience of the App will have to be better

- The total of the 1-4 ratings is almost equal to the 5 ratings showing there is a lot of work on the basics to be done if an app launch will be successful

Sky Scanner.PNG

This app also has editors choice making it more likely to be recommended and used

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